Thank you for "following" us for eighteen years!
Our online Fire Training program has been delivering online Wildland Fire related courses for the past seventeen years to thousands of satisfied customers from around the world.
S100A - Annual Safety Refresher Course
S185 - Fire Entrapment Avoidance & Safety
WHMIS - Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
"... the BCWS does recognize DRAM Ventures / Fire Safe Training; S-100A and S-185 online courses as valid courses that are endorsed by the organization..."
"... by keeping to the objectives of the course and being able to pass along the required knowledge for this course to your students they will be that much better prepared and safe when working on the fire line...."
"A/Superintendent of Staff Development
BC Wildfire Service"
A Reminder
Note: We have created customized courses for some customers - Do you have a similar requirement?
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DRAM Ventures Inc. / www.firesafetraining.com
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DRAM Ventures Inc. / www.firesafetraining.com
(Click Here for the Fillable Template)
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DRAM Ventures Inc. / www.firesafetraining.com
Our vision is to help emergency responding agencies and individuals, worldwide, to improve their response techniques and procedures in order to help reduce life and property loss.
We would like to dedicate this site to the thousands of emergency responders, both men and women, who have and continue to put their lives in harm's way as a matter of “just doing their job”. – And we must not forget the thousands of “behind the scenes”, workers who, without their assistance, the front-line emergency responders would not be able to operate.
We wish to acknowledge and thank all organizations and persons for the use of all videos and photos on this web site.