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ICS 100 Introduction Course - Outline

1.0 Course Overview & Objectives
2.0 Introduction to the Incident Command (management) System
3.0 Main Components of ICS
4.0 IC Roles and Command Functions
5.0 General Section Staff Functions
6.0 ICS Facilities and Identification
7.0 Common Responsibilities
8.0 Short Quiz

Incident Command Post

Will be given a name designation

As the name indicates, this is the centre of operations and where the INCIDENT COMMANDER AND TEAM are located.

  • only one ICP per incident
  • it should be located close to, but at a safe distance from the incident
  • may be moved to upsize, downsize, or for logistical or safety reasons
  • it should be easily accessible by vehicle
  • could begin in the cab or tailgate of a vehicle and expand to a large building


May be given a name designation

This is the primary location of operations for an incident.  Usually is the same location as the ICP.

  • established and operated by LOGISTICS
  • other sections are usually located at the BASE
  • any resources at the BASE are considered "OUT OF SERVICE"
  • generally in a large field (space for many large tents, or may be located in a school or similar large, community building 


May be given a name designation

  • Could be located at the BASE but not mandatory
  • May be more than one STAGING location
  • Close enough to incident for minimal response time
  • May be moved
  • Unassigned resources are kept at STAGING


Will be given a geographic name designation or a number

  • may be more than one CAMP
  • location where support is provided for personnel
  • (, accommodations, medical, sanitation, water
  • some other resources may be kept at the CAMP
  • established if other, local, suitable facilities can not be found
  • may not be CAMPS at every incident


May be given a name designation

  • Air Operations Branch Director under the supervision of Operations, will oversee the Heli-Base
  • provides, large, (multiple helicopter capability) central location for rotary aircraft
  • provides fuel and mechanical support services
  • established for long-term incidents
  • usually maintained under tight security

NOTE - NEVER bulldoze to soil, a field or large area to make a heliport.  (dust will become a major safety consideration)

Heli-Pad or Heli-Spot

Almost always given a number (or name) designation

H - 1

  • smaller, open area capable of safely providing an LZ (Landing Zone) for specific sized helicopters (usually only one at a time)
  • usually given a number designation
  • more temporary than Heli-Base
  • not common for fuel to be maintained at Heli-Spots
  • usually several on any one incident
  • See NOTE in RED above
What Section or person, will establish the Base?
A. Operations
B. Incident Commander
C. Logistics
What Section manages the Camp?
A. Planning
B. Logistics
C. Finance & Admin
When an Air Operations is established - what is the title of the person in charge?
A. Air Operations Branch Director
B. Air Boss
C. Air Operations Section Chief
Which symbol, A or B indicates the ICP?
A. No
B. Yes



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Doug Richardson 


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